Register now for the October 21st CE Online Webinar
Michael Bolton, MD presents on
The Symbiotic Relationship Between Psychiatry & Therapy
12:00-1:30 pm via Zoom
Many factors contribute to what's currently going on in one’s life,
including biology, psychological make-up, relationships, other social factors,
spirituality, and childhood experiences.
Some people don't fit neatly into a diagnostic category, nor does a diagnosis ever fully explain what may be "wrong" in your life. What causes you to feel
badly may be due to factors within your body (biological factors), the way
you think about things (psychological factors), your relationships, your
family, your job, your finances, or a combination of these (social factors). In
addition, everyone has a unique history that influences all of the above. An
understanding of these bio-psycho-social factors is an important first step to
feeling better. Rigid diagnostic labels may miss the nuances that make your
situation unique, and therefore the focus starts with your individual history
and situation.
In order to feel better or change something in your life the solution may
require a new direction. Medications may be helpful to some people, but I
am taking people off their medications when they are no longer needed.
Therapy is critical in the journey toward behavioral health.
Learning Objectives
- Summarize 2 essential elements of psychiatry patients working in tandem with a therapist
- Name 2 common problematic outcomes for patients whose psychiatrist does not work in tandem with therapist
- Demonstrate 2 positive, observable results typically reported by clients

Michael Bolton, M.D., treats adults of all ages. He specializes in issues related to positive psychiatry, well-being, achievement in college and at work, specifically ADHD. His focus on people’s
strengths and abilities rather than on their weaknesses is an
approach he’s seen lead to greater change and lasting benefits. He
earned his medical doctorate at Yale University’s School of
Medicine, a master’s degree in health policy and management from Harvard University’s School of Public Health, and undergraduate at UCSB.
Additional Notes Pertaining To Our Policy As A CE Provider:
1) This course has been designed for a mental health professional that include LMFT's, LCSW's, LPCC's, and LEP's. Also, Pre-licensed and Associate members may earn hours of experience for attending the Santa Barbara Chapter of CAMFT workshops as approved by their supervisor.
2) Refund/Cancellation Policy: Attendees may cancel registration and request a refund one week from the time of the event.
3) To request accommodations for special needs, please email the Program Administrator at
4) To obtain the grievance policy or report a grievance please email
5) Course Completion Certificates will be awarded at the end of the course in exchange for a completed evaluation form.
6) As required by the California Board of Behavioral Science, this course meets the qualifications for 1.5 hours of continuing education credit for LMFT's, LCSW's, LPCC's, and LEP's.
7) SBCAMFT provider number (57942).
8) Santa Barbara Chapter CAMFT is Approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFT's, LCSW's, LPCC's, and LEP's. Santa Barbara Chapter of CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program/course and content.
9) The America with Disabilities Act (ADA accommodates attendees with disabilities in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations. Event is ADA compliant.
Additional Information:
*This webinar will be available by Zoom. If you do not already have a free Zoom account, sign up for it today. The Zoom link will be emailed in advance of the webinar. The webinar will be a mixture of lecture and also Q&A.
For more information and online registration, click on the following link.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Warm regards, Jenn Kennedy, LMFT
Past President, Santa Barbara Chapter of CAMFT